
25 posts



Follow my Referrals, Sign Up and Change the Way You Make Money Interagiamo insieme creando un ampia rete di mining strutturata e seguita. Qualsiasi info non esitate a contattarmi . Grazie a tutti per il sostegno.Thanks everyone for the support. I have made significant gains using the cryptotab app. I use 5 phones that I had thrown in a drawer. I linked them through the same account. The cryptotab pro app purchased only once in the playstore. I recommend a x15 boost to start seeing gains very fast. In a month you get back the amount of the boost you spent previously.I recommend using multiple phones if you have the possibility. withdraw works perfectly is not scam. For info contact me invitation.codes/go/60198855762e37bcbdd34772?ref=profile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ho avuto notevoli guadagni utilizzando l'app cryptotab. Utilizzo 5 phone che avevo buttati in un cassetto. Li ho collegati tramite stesso account. L'app cryptotab pro l'acquistate una sola volta nel playstore. Consiglio un boost x15 per iniziare a vedere i guadagni molto velocemente. In un mese recuperate l'importo del boost speso in precedenza.Consiglio di utilizzare più telefoni se avete la possibilità. il withdraw funziona perfettamente non è scam. Per info contattatemi. invitation.codes/go/60198855762e37bcbdd34772?ref=profile

Freebitcoin referral codes and program details

FREE BTC50% of base prizeMULTIPLY BTC BETTING0.40% of wager betEARN BTC25% of daily interestTOKEN SALES50% of trade fee

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Rollercoin referral codes and program details

I look forward to seeing many of you. You will also find lots of information on YouTube about it. Thanks so much for the support

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2captcha referral codes and program details

2Captcha is a captcha filling app. You can get $1 for filling 1000 captchas.

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Pi Network referral codes and program details
Pi Network

Pi is a new cryptocurrency for and by everyday people that you can “mine” (or earn) from your phone. Pi makes crypto mining easy. Breakthrough tech allows you to mine on your phone without draining your battery.

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AI Marketing referral codes and program details
AI Marketing

The global product analysis and promotion system analyzes social media trends and search requests. The results of the analysis are used to select keywords and trends that are gaining regional popularity. Programs / products that correspond to regional trends are selected mainly because our platform is linked to the cashback programs of numerous websites (over 50). The marketing team sorts advertising based on the trends of a particular region using Google Ad-words, Yandex Direct, social media and other internet platforms. After customers attracted by advertising purchase a product or service, the Cashback Program Operator notifies us of the cashback via API and a provision with the status "Pending" appears in the personal account. For more information on Cashback Operators, refer to hidden-url There you can also find information on the cashback confirmation time, the individual confirmation rates and amounts for each operator. The values ​​given are average and may vary. After the operator of the Cashback program confirms the purchase (if the customer does not request a refund or return of the ticket or product purchased, for example), we receive the cashback and the customer receives 55% of the cashback amount, while the ai.marketing website receives 45%. The cashback confirmation time depends on the cashback program and can take from 16 to 60 days. The cashback you receive is displayed in the "Cashback" account. 45% of the cashback received from ai.marketing mainly constitutes the company's income. These funds are used to hedge operational activities and to support the MarketBot Protect fund. The MarketBot Protect fund covers payments to customers when customers return the refund of the product or service and the Cashback Operator cancels the payment. Example: By the holiday season, our analytics system detects that the word combinations "last minute tour", "cheap ticket" and "book hotel" have become fashionable. We select cashback programs from travel industry websites such as OneTwoTrip, Booking, Teztour, etc. We order massive advertising in selected areas. After customers have made purchases, accruals and deferrals will appear on your account as "Pending" in the "Sales" section of your account. After the cashback has been confirmed by the operator of the Cashback program, the money is received on the "Cashback" account and is available for withdrawal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Il sistema di analisi e promozione globale dei prodotti analizza le tendenze dei social media e le richieste di ricerca. I risultati dell'analisi vengono utilizzati per selezionare le parole chiave e le tendenze che stanno guadagnando popolarità a livello regionale. I programmi/prodotti che corrispondono alle tendenze regionali sono selezionati principalmente perché la nostra piattaforma è collegata ai programmi cashback di numerosi siti web (oltre 50). Il team di marketing ordina la pubblicità in base alle tendenze di una particolare regione utilizzando Google Ad-words, Yandex Direct, social media e altre piattaforme Internet. Dopo che i clienti attratti dalla pubblicità acquistano un prodotto o servizio, l'Operatore del programma Cashback ci notifica il cashback tramite API e un accantonamento con lo stato "In sospeso" appare sul conto personale. Per ulteriori informazioni sugli Operatori del Cashback, fare riferimento a hidden-url Lì potete anche trovare informazioni sul tempo di conferma del cashback, gli importi e le tariffe di conferma individuali per ogni operatore. I valori forniti sono medi e possono variare. Dopo che l'operatore del programma Cashback conferma l'acquisto (se il cliente non richiede il rimborso o la restituzione del biglietto o del prodotto acquistato, ad esempio), riceviamo il cashback e il cliente riceve il 55% dell'importo del cashback, mentre il sito web ai.marketing riceve il 45%. Il tempo di conferma del cashback dipende dal programma di cashback e può richiedere da 16 a 60 giorni. Il cashback che ricevi viene visualizzato nel conto "Cashback". Il 45% del cashback ricevuto dall'ai.marketing costituisce principalmente il reddito della società. Questi fondi sono utilizzati per coprire le attività operative e per sostenere il fondo MarketBot Protect. Il fondo MarketBot Protect copre i pagamenti ai clienti quando i clienti restituiscono il rimborso del prodotto o servizio e il Cashback Operator annulla il pagamento. Esempio: Entro la stagione delle vacanze il nostro sistema di analisi rileva che le combinazioni di parole "tour dell'ultimo minuto", "biglietto economico" e "prenota hotel" sono diventate di moda. Selezioniamo programmi cashback da siti web del settore turistico come OneTwoTrip, Booking, Teztour, ecc. Ordiniamo una pubblicità massiccia nelle aree selezionate. Dopo che i clienti hanno effettuato acquisti, i ratei e risconti appariranno sul vostro conto come "In sospeso" nella sezione "Vendite" del vostro conto. Dopo che il cashback è stato confermato dall'operatore del programma Cashback, il denaro viene ricevuto sul conto "Cashback" ed è disponibile per il prelievo.

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Skrill Money Transfer referral codes and program details
Skrill Money Transfer

It is not just a simple card, but inside we can buy and sell crypto coins without going outside your system. You can set purchase limits and alerts, all simply through the app, what are you waiting for. SKRILL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non è una semplice carta, ma all'interno possiamo comprare e vendere crypto moneta senza andare fuori dal proprio sistema. Si possono mettere limiti di acquisto ed avvisi, tutto semplicemente tramite l'app, cosa aspettate. SKRILL

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crypto.com referral codes and program details

Crypto.com is a popular place to buy, sell, send, track and pay with cryptocurrency. It is by far one of the best cryptocurrency mobile platforms available today along Coinbase and a few others.

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GramFree referral codes and program details

With this site you earn free gram coins and exchange them for money current price per coin is $2.47. What is Gram? Gram is a cryptocurrency based on a TON blockchain platform developed by Telegram. A feature of Gram is the high speed of transactions. Cryptocurrencies implemented on early blockchain platforms due to the low speed of transactions are more suitable for investment than for use as a payment tool. For instance, Bitcoin can provide only 7 transactions per second for all users, Ethereum - 15. The Gram blockchain platform is expected to be millions of transactions per second. According to the developers, Gram should become a crypto-analog of Visa and Mastercard.

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Binance referral codes and program details

Tu ricevi10% I tuoi amici ricevono10% You receive10% Your friends receive10%

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Revuto referral codes and program details

Revuto allows users to control the payment of their subscription service through their services. Stop Subscriptions from stealing your money! One-stop solution for all your subscriptions. Approve, Block, or Snooze your payment for any service in seconds.

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Pentagram referral codes and program details

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ FINALMENTE L'ATTESA È FINITA... 🤩 IL TEAM ITALIA È FELICE DI ANNUNCIARE IN ANTEPRIMA IL LANCIO UFFICIALE ⬇️⬇️ 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌎🍾🌠🥂 PENTAGRAM 🌎🍾🌠🥂 ❤️ COLLABORATIVE ❤️ 📣 GUADAGNA IN 5 MODI DIVERSI 👇 💠 PENTA-MAX (ROI) 👉 Deposito minimo 100 trx, ottieni il 180% del deposito, max 10% al giorno. 📍È richiesta un'azione di prelievo o di reinvestimento al giorno per generare sempre dividendi. Se prelevi min 250 TRX devi ridepositare il 20% del prelievo appena effettuato per poter compiere un'azione il giorno seguente. PDF 👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.me/pentagramitaliainfo/165 🌸 PENTA-TRADE (TRADING) 👉 Deposito min 200 trx, ottieni il 200% del deposito, dall'1 al 15% al giorno. Non è richiesta nessuna azione, i risultati del trading verranno postati pubblicamente ogni giorno. 📍Il SABATO è il giorno dedicato ai pagamenti, riscuoti nel tuo wallet i guadagni ottenuti durante la settimana! Pdf👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.me/pentagramitaliainfo/170 🌷PENTA-BUILD 👉 Ottieni un account gratuito con la registrazione iniziale, diventi crowd-founder e partecipi alla distribuzione del 51% degli utili del business SHOPM8S 🌼 PENTA-REF 👉 Ottieni l'8% dei depositi dei tuoi ref, prelevabili ogni 48h 🌺 PENTA-LEAD 👉 Ottieni il 7% dei prelievi dei tuoi ref direttamente aggiunti al tuo capitale Penta-Max ‼️‼️ Come registrarti? ‼️‼️ 1⃣ Accedi a klever https://klever.io/rewards/UQXdeajJDdRhvgys9 e inserisci questo link https://pentacolab.com/dapp/?ref=TEvFnqu7FXowWvtj9Wg7KZ9afLt7s2Fzse in dapp klever 2⃣ Clicca SIGNUP, dovrai confermare l'operazione di deposito di 200 trx 3⃣ Deposita almeno 100 trx in Penta-Max e almeno 200 trx in Penta-Trade cliccando sui relativi tasti posti nei riquadri azzurro e rosa SIAMO SU TUTTI I SOCIAL CON VARI CONTEST CHE REGALANO TRX E POSIZIONI GRATIS👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Facebook👇👇👇https://m.facebook.com/groups/428667058558104/permalink/477114823713327/ TELEGRAM ITALIA CHAT UFFICIALE👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.me/joinchat/UE8ipskST1QRM92E INSTAGRAM👇👇👇👇 https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=9xg30yjdtng7&utm_content=kuku2q2 PER I LIMITATI BOT PENTAGRAM👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 @Pentagramitaliabot CANALE TELEGRAM CON INFO👇👇👇👇👇👇 @pentagramitaliainfo YouTube👇👇👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yY5_wftzitotNLJMUQB5w TUTTE LE INFORMAZIONI SULL' AZIENDA TRADING E SITO WEB SE UNO VUOLE FARE TRADING👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.me/pentagramitaliainfo/177?single NON TI RESTA CHE ENTRARE SUBITO NEL MONDO PENTAGRAM COLLABORATIVE, COSA ASPETTI? INSERISCI IL LINK IN DAPP E COMINCIA A GUADAGNARE 👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://pentacolab.com/dapp/?ref=TEvFnqu7FXowWvtj9Wg7KZ9afLt7s2Fzse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ FINALLY THE WAIT IS OVER ... 🤩 THE ITALIA TEAM IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE OFFICIAL LAUNCH IN PREVIEW ⬇️⬇️ 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌎🍾🌠🥂 PENTAGRAM 🌎🍾🌠🥂 ❤️ COLLABORATIVE ❤️ 📣 EARN IN 5 DIFFERENT WAYS 👇 💠 PENTA-MAX (ROI) 👉 Minimum deposit 100 trx, get 180% of the deposit, max 10% per day. 📍 A withdrawal or reinvestment action is required per day to always generate dividends. If you withdraw at least 250 TRX you have to redeposit 20% of the withdrawal just made in order to take an action the following day. PDF 👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.me/pentagramitaliainfo/165 🌸 PENTA-TRADE (TRADING) 👉 Deposit min 200 trx, get 200% of the deposit, from 1 to 15% per day. No action is required, trading results will be posted publicly every day. 📍 SATURDAY is the day dedicated to payments, collect the earnings obtained during the week in your wallet! Pdf👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.me/pentagramitaliainfo/170 🌷PENTA-BUILD 👉 Get a free account with initial registration, become crowd-founder and participate in the distribution of 51% of the profits of the SHOPM8S business 🌼 PENTA-REF 👉 Get 8% of your ref deposits, which can be withdrawn every 48h 🌺 PENTA-LEAD 👉 Get 7% of your ref withdrawals directly added to your Penta-Max capital ‼ ️‼ ️ How to register? ‼ ️‼ ️ 1⃣ Log in to klever https://klever.io/rewards/UQXdeajJDdRhvgys9 and enter this link https://pentacolab.com/dapp/?ref=TEvFnqu7FXowWvtj9Wg7KZ9afLt7s2Fzse in dapp klever 2⃣ Click SIGNUP, you will need to confirm the deposit of 200 trx 3⃣ Deposit at least 100 trx in Penta-Max and at least 200 trx in Penta-Trade by clicking on the relevant buttons located in the blue and pink boxes WE ARE ON ALL SOCIALS WITH VARIOUS CONTESTS THAT GIVE TRX AND POSITIONS FOR FREE👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Facebook👇👇👇https: //m.facebook.com/groups/428667058558104/permalink/477114823713327/ TELEGRAM ITALIA OFFICIAL CHAT👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.me/joinchat/UE8ipskST1QRM92E INSTAGRAM👇👇👇👇 https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=9xg30yjdtng7&utm_content=kuku2q2 FOR THE LIMITED PENTAGRAM👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 BOTS @Pentagramitaliabot TELEGRAM CHANNEL WITH INFO @pentagramitaliainfo YouTube👇👇👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yY5_wftzitotNLJMUQB5w ALL INFORMATION ABOUT THE TRADING COMPANY AND WEBSITE IF ONE WANTS TO TRADING👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.me/pentagramitaliainfo/177?single YOU CANNOT ENTER IMMEDIATELY INTO THE COLLABORATIVE PENTAGRAM WORLD, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? INSERT THE LINK IN DAPP AND START TO EARN 👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://pentacolab.com/dapp/?ref=TEvFnqu7FXowWvtj9Wg7KZ9afLt7s2Fzse

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CryptoTab referral codes and program details

Hurry up, this offer has a limited number Invite new users, monitor your progress, stay one step ahead of your opponents! CryptoTab's Get Ready for Summer 2021 promotion is a great opportunity to make your share of the US $ 17,000 and enjoy a carefree summer. Don't miss it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Invita nuovi utenti, monitora i tuoi progressi, resta un passo avanti ai tuoi avversari! La promozione Get Ready for Summer 2021 di CryptoTab è una grande opportunità per fare tua una parte dei 17.000 dollari statunitensi e goderti un'estate spensierata. Non fartela sfuggire!

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Klever referral codes and program details

Klever is a multi-crypto wallet with an intuitive and elegant interface that offers a safer, faster and smarter cryptocurrency experience for all users worldwide.

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Doge live referral codes and program details
Doge live

Doge.Live is a leading Doge Coin mining industry. All the mining powers are backed up by physical miners' hardware. Mining with the latest algorithms allows making as much Doge Coin as possible.

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Honeygain referral codes and program details

App that uses your spare internet connection and rewards you for contributing to the network. Honeygain is a crowdsourced network company which enables other businesses to conduct intelligence, market, and business research. The app facilitates proxy services to third parties, such as data scientists, Fortune 500, and other trustworthy companies. Is it safe? Yes! Your security is important to Honeygain. And as the queen bee knows her bees, Honeygain knows what every partner uses their network for. Honeygain estimates your approximate earnings based on the GB you share with the Honeygain network. The more you share, the more you earn!

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Coinbase referral codes and program details

Guadagna grazie al mio REF. Ottieni più di 50$ con Earn di coinbaise. Cosa aspetti le crypto da donare non sono infenite. Affrettati. Earn money thanks to my REF. Get over $ 50 with Earn by coinbaise. What are you waiting for the cryptocurrencies to donate are not unbridled. Hurry up

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Banggood referral codes and program details

Banggood is a huge e-commerce company that offers retail goods. Its partnership programs also include dropshipping, review club, affiliate, wholesale and fashion blogger

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Buy Me a Coffee referral codes and program details
Buy Me a Coffee

A free, fast, and beautiful way to receive one-time and monthly support from your fans. Loved by 100,000 creators. Showcase your goals, explore creators, claim your page. Services: Tips & donations, memberships, shop.

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Coinbase XLM referral codes and program details
Coinbase XLM

Stellar is a platform that connects banks, payment systems and people. Learn how it works and you'll earn XLM through Coinbase.

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adBTC referral codes and program details

A Bitcoin faucet where you can do some "Paid-to-Click Ads" and earn some Satoshi. Join adBTC today and get bitcoins for viewing websites. Along with the Pay-to-Click program you can also roll the faucet every four hours and withdraw your Satoshi to faucetpay or other methods starting at only 4000 Satoshi. The higher the rating - the more you can earn on the site. The advertiser can filter visitors in surfing by rating, for example, you can display a link only to users with a rating of 1 or higher. Also, the frequency of captcha at surfing depends on the rating.

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unMineable referral codes and program details

Unmineable allows you to mine your favourite non-mineable crypto assets. Unmineable's automated system takes care of all the exchanging and transferring, to deliver a seamless experience for PoW miners.

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hgMoney referral codes and program details

You will receive money for watching ads. At the moment, the cost of watching an ad unit is 21 cents. You will get watching ad units after sign in on their website. Also, you will be able to attract referrals (other employees), and get 30% of their earnings. A referral link is available in your account.

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free-tether.com referral codes and program details

The roll works like the most famous bitcoin faucet, but this unlike emits tether (USDT). Every hour a lucky roll is performed and on the basis of the numbering obtained there is a free tether.

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MinerGate referral codes and program details

Programma intuitivo semplice. Monero di facile guadagno anche con pc datati. Buon lavoro XD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple intuitive program. Easy earning moment even with dated PCs. Good job XD Follow me

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