Alexander Goldmann


Active 20 hours ago


19 posts


Save Money, invest it and earn more money - with comfort!

I share only codes, where I am invested in myself or I believe in the company.

EstateGuru referral codes and program details

Estateguru is one of my two favorite p2p market places. In additional to other platforms the credit you give is backed by real real estate! It is worth trying out. Also my mother is using estateguru and is really happy with it (really! :-). The best things I like about the platform Estateguru are: the high interest rates the clarity the presentation of the monthly income the automated process that collateral is deposited with every loan and the experience that so far all defaulted loans have been paid back with interest, i.e. 0 € capital loss.

Check out EstateGuru   

Bondora referral codes and program details

With this free 5€ you can directly start investing with at least 6,75% yield (Go&Grow) and more (Portfolio). Why Bondora? Bondora is one of the oldest and experienced p2p fintech companies in the world. You can earn earn over 12% yield or with the special product Go&Grow, which I use mostly, you can earn 6,75% interest and you have the possibility to withdraw every day. Advantages of the FinTech platform Bondora: Very good returns possible (over 12%). Go & Grow offers an attractive return of 6.75% and the money can be requested for withdrawal on a daily basis. Usually the money is paid out within two to three days. In exceptional cases, such as the Corona crisis, it can take a few months. Go & Grow is relatively safer than the other products because it is very diversified. Therefore, the return is also lower. Multiple accounts can be created for free. Accounts with other people can also be opened. Bondora is one of the largest, oldest and most trusted platforms in Europe.

Check out Bondora   

Roboforex referral codes and program details

Automatic artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm for forex trading inside of roboforex with trading pairs EUR/USD and GBP/USD with a low risk category (evaluated by roboforex). Return of bigger than 50% per year for now. --> BUT: only works with our adjustings. That's why DO NOT just use the link, but ALSO contact me to send you the Quick Guide. Minimum investment 1000 USD. As with all forex trading you can use all your money. I am using this AI trading algortithm.

Check out Roboforex   

Freedom24 referral codes and program details

3 free stocks which can be sold directly. Acutal bonus until 31.05.2024.

Check out Freedom24   

Binance referral codes and program details

10% commission every time you make a trade on Binance

Check out Binance   

PayPal referral codes and program details

Click the link, register at paypal, buy something for at least 5€ and you get 10€ to your account. Featured only until 31.12.2022.

Check out PayPal   

Ventus Energy referral codes and program details
Ventus Energy

Ventus Energy acquire and develop regulated energy infrastructure companies in renewable energy, utilities, and sustainability sectors, and provide investors with unique investment opportunities. You can invest in energy like grid balancing etc. and earn up to 18% interest per year.

Check out Ventus Energy   

InRento referral codes and program details

20€ bonus directly to your account after your first investment

Check out InRento   

Robocash referral codes and program details

Robocash is one of the better p2p companies, because of its experience and open communication. I suggest only referral codes where I am also invested in with my personal money and I trust. (See also my finance blog If you need help with regristration just text me, I will help you. Advantages of the FinTech platform Robocash: Experienced and profitable company (founded in 2017). Very high returns possible (approx. 12%). The Robocash Group is highly profitable, audited and has a strong balance sheet. The credit quality seems to be good so far (many loans are "current" and only a few are "late". Good customer support. Sufficient number of available credits available. Experienced Robocash Group stands behind Robocash. Happy investing 😄

Check out Robocash   

Flatex referral codes and program details

Austria's affordable online broker. Best online broker - for the 5th time in a row! A single account for stocks and CFDs. From 5 euros per order.

Check out Flatex   

ReInvest24 referral codes and program details

Since February 2019 I have invested in ReInvest24, the P2P platform on which you can mainly buy and own rental apartments and properties proportionally. In the meantime, real estate loans have also been added. You can benefit from both the rental income and the increase in the value of the property. Why ReInvest24? To invest in rental departments, which you really own can be done with 100 Euro. The company is growing and has really interesting investment opportunities up to 15% yield per year. What are the advantages of ReInvest24? High rental income and return on investment Rental income with a return of 5-8% and capital growth rates (increasing the value of the property) of 20% per year are possible. Carefully selected properties You need to worry about anything. ReInvest24 takes over the selection of the real estate with risk assessment and the maintenance of the real estate. ReInvest24 is currently looking at quality rather than quantity. Possibility of early exit (should come in June 2022) In contrast to buying a property, early exit from the investment via a secondary market is easier and faster. Direct investment You are invested directly in the property through a so-called special purpose vehicle - SPV. (In contrast to platforms that invest in real estate loans, such as estateguru). Diversification The low minimum investment of € 100 allows you to distribute and diversify your money in several properties. This lowers the risk. ReInvest24's plan is to expand into other countries, which should happen in summer 2020. General advantages of a P2P investment

Check out ReInvest24   

Bondster referral codes and program details

Bondster gives you the opportunity to invest in consumer loans in 10 exotic countries with an average yield of about 14%. You can invest in different countries than usual in the P2P sector. Note: I am only sharing codes where I am invested in myself with my personal money. Advantages of the FinTech platform Bondster: Very high returns possible (over 12%). There are loans that are secured by real estate. Many loans come with a buyback guarantee. Sufficient number of credits available. Multiple countries available to invest.

Check out Bondster   

Moncera referral codes and program details

Get with your link directly 1% of the invested money of your referral in the first 60 days! Note: I only share links where I am invested in myself. Advantages of the FinTech platform Moncera Very high returns possible (approx. 11%). Sufficient number of available credits available. Experienced Placet Group stands behind Moncera. Neutral points of the FinTech platform Moncera: Buyback guarantee available. Free for investors.

Check out Moncera   

Esketit referral codes and program details

Click the link, register and invest money. After that you get 1% of your invested money in the first 30 days directly to your account. Note: I only share links where I am invested myself.

Check out Esketit   

Afranga referral codes and program details

up to 18% interest on your investment, but right now no bonus or cashback promotion. PROS & CONS: Profitable lender (stickcredit) High yields 60 day buyback guarantee No secondary market New established platform Only loans from Bulgaria, noother country available

Check out Afranga   

LendSecured referral codes and program details

I only show you referral links where I am invested in myself.

Check out LendSecured   

Efinza referral codes and program details

Find amazing investment opportunities and earn up to 11% interest! An informative financial crowdlending platform that connects investors and borrowers.

Check out Efinza   

SeedingUp referral codes and program details

An influencer marketplace for digital marketers SeedingUp organically connects influencer/publishers with digital marketers in multiple languages and markets around the world. SeedingUp is your efficient and reliable service provider for professional content seeding on blogs, online media, websites, YouTube and social networks (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter). On SeedingUp advertisers have the opportunity of having content on their products and services distributed by independent publishers and influencers on subject-specific websites, blogs, YouTube and social network profiles, and of benefitting not only from increased brand awareness, image and traffic, but also from various downstream SEO effects. Publishers, in turn, can use SeedingUp to market their blogs, websites, YouTube channels and social network profiles profitably and in this way they also constantly get new ideas which they can write about.

Check out SeedingUp   

Alexander is smart! 😏

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