
8 posts


Verse referral codes and program details

Verse is a mobile app that allows you to pay and receive payments instantly, safely, and free of charge. It is very easy to use and works like a digital wallet.

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Curve referral codes and program details

Connect your cards to Curve and Enjoy a whole new banking experience. One Interface. One Curve card. A whole new world - real-time notifications, Zero Fx, 1% Cashback, and even "time travel".

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NURI referral codes and program details

Open your free account, make your first trade and get €30

Check out NURI referral codes and program details is a popular place to buy, sell, send, track and pay with cryptocurrency. It is by far one of the best cryptocurrency mobile platforms available today along Coinbase and a few others.

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W1TTY referral codes and program details

W1TTY has been created to offer an entirely new financial services experience – giving customers what they really want, and rarely get – to be treated as individuals who have a genuine choice over who they bank with. W1TTY is initially targeting Generation Z – students and other young people starting their first jobs and building their careers.

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Vivid referral codes and program details

Vivid Money is a mobile banking app with which you can get heavy cashback for a lot of retail stores, Netflix etc. A unique feature is the stock reward, so the cashback you get is coupled to a stock you can choose. Whether it’s payments, transfers, high-interest saving accounts, multi-currency accounts for your travels, spendings reports, split bills — with Vivid, managing all your finances and investing your money is easy, flexible and 100% transparent.

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Trade Republic referral codes and program details
Trade Republic

Trade Republic is the first German mobile broker, free of commission. You can buy and sell stocks, exchange traded funds (ETF) for only €1. Only available in Germany.

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