500 kicks
David + Shopkick
Shopkick is a rewards app that allows users to earn "kicks" (points) for various in-store and online activities, such as walking into stores, scanning barcodes, viewing products online, or making purchases. These kicks can be redeemed for gift cards to popular retailers, making it a way to save on shopping by earning rewards for engaging with participating brands and stores. It combines elements of mobile marketing with gamified shopping incentives, benefiting both users and retail partners. Hi! I think you’d love Shopkick – it’s a free app that rewards you for shopping brands you love and even just for walking into stores. Sign up with my code to get bonus kicks: KIND482613 hidden-url code: KIND482613 Updated: November 2024 This app does not give you very many opportunities to be able to fulfill the referral requirement, unless you can somehow make it to a store nearby to get the 10 points needed. I would wait to use the referral code until you can get to a Wal-Mart, or keep watching the Scans list for each store to see if you can scan a UPC code. Each store has a very limited selection of items you can scan receipts for, as well. Get 500 kicks when you earn 10 kicks (*excluding video kicks) in 7 days. Referrer also gets 500 kicks.