With the Freeway platform, AuBit turns the traditional model on its head by giving you more of the assets you own through ongoing trading revenue redistributions. Specifically, AuBit takes 80% of all fees and product-related revenues and returns them to users in the form of the underlying assets in which they’re invested.
For example, if you buy bitcoin on the Freeway platform, the bitcoin in your account grows every time anyone, anywhere in the world buys bitcoin with Freeway. You can begin with 0.01% of a bitcoin and, without ever adding a penny, hypothetically, earn 0.02, or 0.03 bitcoin over time.
So no matter what happens to the price of bitcoin, you minimise your risk and maximise your rewards by holding more of it. Unlike any other investment platform in the world, with AuBit, you get both value growth AND volume growth.
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