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Legion Network is combining the best services of Blockchain in one Super App. The blockchain industry has grown incredibly over the last year, but most people still find it difficult to understand how blockchain technology can directly benefit them. With so many new terms such as Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Metaverse, Defi, GameFi, the majority of people are being left behind in such a fast-moving industry. The Legion Network App and collaborative (NFT) Marketplace combines all these services in to one place, our users can: • View and manage their Crypto Wallet. • Learn about NFT's, the Metaverse, Defi, GameFi via our Empower Academy training courses. • View and share NFTs via the Bluemoon NFT marketplace. • Obtain daily rewards for sharing the Legion Network App and playing games.
 Legion Network incorporates some fun features such as E-learning, Quizzes, Daily tasks, Rewards and mini-games.

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